Friday, January 31, 2020

Flash Fiction Friday #2

It’s all Amelia’s fault. 

That’s really what this story is about, how it is all her fault and I will never ever, ever take her advice when she says to make an offering to Ares. Because you spend all day- days trying to perfect an altar that won’t make a God angry and obliterate you, and he doesn't even show up. No- he sends one of his assistants to take care of the mess that HIS daughter made.

“Hey, pull over here..” J says ( that’s what we’re calling him )
“No “ I say clenching the steering wheel, “I already said no stops, and definitely no stops on the side of the road at two a.m.”

 Lost Gods were the worst hitchhikers because to be a hitchhiker would require asking permission before taking over someone’s body. 

“But I have to pee” I hear him whine. For a centuries old being he sure complains like a two year old.
 “No, you don’t because I don't have to, plus your kind doesn't actually have to use the bathroom! How dumb do you think I am?” immediately after I say it this I regret it because..

“Dumb enough to be tricked into performing a sacrifice ritual for your so called “friend” -honestly how do you humans classify anyone like this just do what I do and find people you like then when they are of no use just eat their souls and go on your merry way, but not Mary’s way because she’d be …"

Image result for altar wicca
“ENOUGH!!” I shout-fully aware that I sound and look ridiculous “If I pull over you will want to hunt a person, a rabbit, a deer,  or whatever you eat and I am not eating Thumper or Bambi.”

“Of course you aren’t, I am”  I hear a familiar click-clicking in my head.
No, sit yourself down..or float whatever you 
do! You are not taking over my body now especially while I’m driving! And you are not eating anything or anyone’s soul!”

FINE you horrible thing! First you kidnap me me! The God of.. well nothing yet, but still I'm better than some human girl who doesn't even know how to properly cast a circle or a protection spell and winds up getting both of us (me more so than you of course!) stuck in this gaudy situation.
“Its not my fault your niece pretended to be my friend and tricked me to get out of whatever punishment she had coming “ I slam my foot on the gas pedal and feel the jerk. Mama Betty was made for speed, but that was decades ago when my mom still drove, when she wasn't afraid to leave the house. How was I suppose to know my best friend was not my friend and was just a coward?

“Hey you just ran some red lights.”

 I don't answer and keep speeding not caring who stops. I need this nightmare to pause and I need to get back to when friends were friends and my sister wasn’t gone--

“JUST SHUT UP” and the clicking increases and my hands move on their own “I SAID NO you don't get to hijack my body !”  and I turn the wheel the opposite way.

The car screeches and flips in to the field. When I wake up its like I'm looking through binoculars. My hands are wrapped and I am carrying something heavy.
When my vision clears I see I am holding a dead deer.

Image result for deerAnd the click stops.
“I told you not to!”
“Hey!” J cackles. “I didn’t kill it… Mama Betsy did.. So I guess you did” and he continues laughing.

“I roll my eyes.

“Hungry? You gotta eat before we go back on the road”

I look and see Mama Betsy shiny and semi new (her dent from Veda scratching her was still there)

Before I can ask  he says “ sometimes having acquaintances with my kind has its perks.. But there is a price”

"Ugh FINE eat the deer!! But when I wake up you better have it buried and have washed all the blood off."

He laughs and I go through the binoculars and back into the rooms in my mind (literal not even figurative) and I re-watch the memory files my brain has stored of my mom and sister. I will figure out what happened to Veda even if that means having my body temporarily hijacked by a lesser god, and we have challenges to follow before the miracles can be done.

Everything has a price.. Veda would say, but she didn’t get to that point of our magic lessons, so I’m going to improvise and ask forgiveness after I resurrect her.

Prompt: “Lost Gods were the worst hitchhikers..”

Make sure you check out Kate's response ( and feel free to join in and write your own responses!! Happy Flash Fiction Friday!! 

Picture is from wikisearch "deer"  "altar"

1 comment:

  1. I love the dynamic between these two! And the mystery of what happened to Veda. Really compelling beginning!


Flash Fiction Friday #4

It was raining the day I met Jaime, I remember because he was the old kid on the playground who was still swinging from the monkey bars, ...